Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What's Been Happening

Ok, I haven't posted in some time and for that I'm sorry.  I have been trying really hard to find employment.  I have a very promising lead as I have been requested to come back for a second interview at United Health Care!!  I'm excited :)

Mathai has started a new sport!!  He is still riding, but we added Taekwando to his schedule also, above is his first class.  We thought he did very well!!! It's funny that he looks sooooo stiff in the shoulders, he is trying so hard :)

I'm still working on the same hardanger piece, I'm kinda struggling with it, but I'll get it done.  Then I need to get back to the taj!!!  I think I'm going to have to break down and tell hubby about it, I won't have alone time in the afternoons anymore, so I'll have to work on it in the evening.

But for now, enjoy the video :)

Happy stitching until next time,

Monday, August 29, 2011

A Step in Life

I'm so excited, I'm going for my first interview since our son was born!  I was shortlisted for a one on one interview at a health insurance company, and I'm lucky enough that it is under 10 miles away :)

What does this change...only everything!  My stitching is going to be limited, which means I will have to break down and tell hubby about the Taj :(  I was really hoping to keep it a secret and give it to him next year for his birthday, but if I'm working, I'll never have time alone to work on it.

Hubby did promise help with the house work, which means that I'll be looking for someone to clean once a  week :)

Now, to the current project that I'm working on.  I started another small hardanger piece, I want to make sure that I have good technique before setting it aside for the cross stitch.  However, this one I'm struggling with.  I have had to frog it more then I have stitched...oh well, that is the way it is when you learn something new.

So, I'm going to finish here and get back to stitching/frogging...LOL...

Happy Stitching!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


I'm having too much fun with this!!  

If I thought that cutting my first threads was a scary, cutting out the whole piece was almost more then I could handle...LOL...but I did it!!!  

I think I'm going to try something out of the Priscilla I go!!!

Ohhh...and here are some pics of the ornament :)

Before I cut it hands were shaking!!!

And here it is!!  

Until next time...

Happy Stitching!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My First Attempt at Hardanger

I'm sooooo excited!!  I know it's small and I can see some mistakes, but I did it!!!

I didn't use the correct threads, so I can't expect did go out yesterday and purchased some 22ct hardanger fabric and the correct threads, so I'm looking forward to trying a harder piece!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I think I found a new hobby...

I have been busy lately with back to school shopping and my normal daily routine.  When I get online, I tend to read blogs and search for new cross stitch patterns.  I have never tried to make a biscornu, so I have been looking patterns for those.  While searching pictures, I ran across one that was hardanger.  I'm in LOVE!!  I have seen Hardanger before, but never really LOOKED at it.  Now see, this is something that drives hubby NUTS, I just have to get "one more project" and my list grows :)

I have been scouring the internet for free patterns and hardanger how-tos, but there isn't much out there.  I broke down and bought a book!

I am in love with several of the patterns, but I can see that this is written for someone who already knows this style of embroidery.  I think I'll just start with some small basic things and see how it goes.

I'm thinking that I can get a small pattern made for Christmas ornaments to give as gifts, which means that I'll be pushing back my fairy piece, but isn't that the norm!!

Ok...I do have a piece that I just have to get finished!!

Happy Stitching!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Counting Eludes Me :(

I'm working on a Fairy for World of Charity Cross Stitch, and I have had to frog her skirt bottom 5 times :o(  UGHHHH  Just when I think the count is right....NOPE....I'm going to kick that frog to the curb!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011


I was able to work off and on with this small mindless piece.  I love it, I'm thinking about using it as an outside pocket of a bag :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I have been so very busy this week, and it's not over!  Sadly, I haven't even been able to pick up my stitching :(  but, it's kinda been nice :)  I don't get the chance to run all over and do things with friends, and this week I have been doing just that!  The house work has suffered along with the stitching, the only thing I have been able to do is keep dinner at the's been kinda nice to have the opportunity for the change up in things...

Monday, August 1, 2011

Things come too easy for him...

Mathai had a lesson this past Saturday, and it was less then a pretty sight.  After almost an hour of his riding instructor telling him the same things over and over, I stepped in and told her enough he's done.

With the lesson being over, he was sent to take care of his horse while Kristen (riding instructor) Hubby and I discussed the show next weekend.  The final consensus is that he simply didn't put in the effort to show.  According to Kristen, he had moments where he was a better rider then the other girl in the arena (she has multiple championships) but again, they were only moments, and he needs to maintain his strength and form for the entire class.

There are many things that I can teach Mathai, but I'm stuck at how to teach him to put effort into something :(

I'm a SAHM, my day is filled with cleaning, laundry, yard work, gardening, cooking and if I'm lucky stitching gets in there somewhere.  Mathai has been given the responsibility of cleaning his toy room and bedroom along with feeding the dogs, and he is required to clean to my standards ;o)

As we are sitting here working on a lesson book, I hear  "I can't do this, tell me which is correct!"  The answers are given to him, he simply needs to put them in the right place....arrrhhhhhhhh  LOL

I can't get him to understand that life is only going to get harder, and unless he puts effort into learning and even playing, then nothing will ever happen.....

With that said, I'm done with my rant!!!

I'm off to get the cleaning done and get some stitching in!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I'm so very happy to report that the Butterfly Alphabet IS FINISHED!!!

I love this now that it's finished, but I really had to force myself to finish it :(  LOL  When I bought it, I didn't think twice about all the back stitching....ohhh what that a huge mistake!!

I took the picture right after pulling it off the frame, I didn't even run the lint roller over it!!  Now it's on the counter drying, and then I'll press it and take it in to be framed :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I've found something special!

I was on Facebook this morning and found a post on a cross stitching forum.  I followed the link on the post and was taken to a wonderful blog!!  It's a cross stitching blog for charity!!  How WONDERFUL is that!!!???  I'm always looking for "filler" projects, and this is right up my alley!!  It's two wonderful ladies that have started it, and many volunteer stitchers :)  They make several different items for the children at the Ronald McDonald house.

My husband and I have always been very thankful that our son is healthy, what better way to show our love and support to family's who are struggling with a sick child!!

I think I've found a calling!!!

I'm off to the craft store!  I have to get some supplies :)

Happy Stitching and God Bless!!

Before I go here is the link for the blog I'm talking about:  WOCS

Friday, July 22, 2011

For Joyce :)

I snapped a pic before I started working on it this morning.

Happy Stitching!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011


I was almost depressed this morning, looking at the day's schedule it seemed like I wouldn't be getting any stitching done.

Now I'm doing the Happy Dance!!

I was able to get some stitching done on the Taj!!!  I'm about 1/2 way done with the first page :)

I ordered the fabric for the Fairy, and purchased most of the threads for her :)  I can't start her until after the butterflies are done, hubby doesn't like me to have too many projects going at once :(

Happy Stitching Until Next Time!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Taj Mahal Mandala Garden

Ok, I'm still hanging in there!  LOL  

I feel like I have been stitching forever today, when in truth, I haven't :(  I started working on the Taj, only to find myself frogging the same stitches over and over.  I just had to walk away!  So what did I do during my break?  I turned an adorable picture I found on the internet into a cross stitch pattern!!  I made some changes to the picture and I'm thinking it will make a very nice piece when it's finished.  The butterfly alphabet is almost done, so I'll need something to work on while DH is home!  hehe is the Taj so far :)

I'm working with many new flosses and threads, some I love and some I could never use again and not miss them!  I know that specialty threads add that extra "someth'n someth'n" but they really are a pain in the behind to work with!!  

I guess that is all for now, I have about an hour before DH comes home!!  Off to add some more stitches!!

Until next time....Happy Stitching


Monday, July 18, 2011

Too Much Maybe

I was finally able to pick up the Taj this morning.  With Hubby being home, I simply can't work on it, so it gets set aside (and well hidden).

As I'm working on it this morning, I'm finding that I'm really struggling!  I'm thinking that I may be in over my head more then I thought :(  The directions are hard to follow, for me anyways, and I'm a little lost.  So, my search begins!  LOL  I'm off to find some pictures of other's who have finished this, maybe by looking at their finished pieces, I can find my way through my own.

I refuse to give this up, if I don't struggle, then how can I ever learn!!!

Happy Stitching :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011


I thought I would post a pic of the Lullaby Baby in her frame.

I'm off to work on the Taj now :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday Monday

I spent ALL of last week on the cross stitching gift, leaving my house work in the dust, or maybe it was just the house in dust :)  I spent the morning cleaning and catching up!!   Now laundry is in and I'm looking at my butterflies again along with the Taj. is a funny for Monday...

Enjoy and Happy Monday!!

Happy Stitching :)

Saturday, July 9, 2011


I've finished the baby in the clock :)  I learned a lot this week while stitching her.

1.  Keep a FINISHED piece on hand, trying to work something up in a week takes the fun out of stitching!
2.  It's ok to substitute colors and make it my own.
3.  I'm very far behind in my house work, so now I have to play catch up!!!!

Here she is!!!

I'm going to be adding another page to my blog for all my finished pieces :o)

I have to put the needle down, for today at least, and get a few things done around the house.

Until next time!

God Bless and Happy Stitching!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Getting There

Oh...I have been stitching almost nonstop!  I guess I'll never win a speed stitching contest!  LOL
I'm happy with the progress, but I know that I have more to go and time isn't on my side.

Here is where I'm at with her as of right now...

I still have some back stitching on the baby, stars, moon and clouds, not to mention framing :o)  I'll get there!!!

Monday, July 4, 2011


As I said in my previous post, I'm working on quickie project.  I'm planning to have this little cutie completed by the end of the week!!  I needed to take a break, so I thought I would post the picture that I took of her yesterday...

She is a little different then the design photo, I have given her black hair w/blue highlights (sorry you can't see them from the picture) her skin tone is a little darker since she is Indian.  Also, her sleeper is a little different too.  Here is the design original...

I'm a little further along then what the photo shows, but this is a teaser!  I'll post more again later this week ;o)

Happy Stitching!!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

New Piece Going On the Hoop

Ugh!  We just got an invitation to one of my Hubby's co-worker's wife's baby shower!!!  The Husband is throwing this bash, and a friend of ours has asked me to make something special!!  I HAVE A WEEK!!!  I really wish that I had given more time, I usually make baby afghans for the new baby's along with a cross stitch piece.  I think I'm going to have to come up with a new strategy this time.  I'll get a small cross stitch piece done, and then make the afghan.  I know that they are having a little girl, but I don't know what colors the baby's room is, I'll have to get that information.

I have enough colors in my stash to substitute for the design colors, so I'm off to get this going!!!

This is what I found...

Happy Stitching :o)

Saturday, July 2, 2011


OMG!!  I don't know how many of my fellow cross stitchers have been to the Cross Stitchers Club website, if you have never been there, THEN GO!!  I have been downloading those wonderful "quickie" patterns most of the morning!!  Yes, my name is Heather, and I'm addicted to the Cross Stitchers Club!!!  LOL  Here is the link just in case you have never been there...CHECK IT OUT!!!  You won't be disappointed!!

Cross Stitchers Club

I have been doing only a little stitching the past day or so :(  House work/Yard work has been calling my name.  For some strange reason, Hubby gets upset if he doesn't have clean underwear to wear!!  LOL  Also, the Taj is on hold until Tuesday since said Hubby is on a long holiday weekend ;o)  I did get a few stitches into the butterfly piece, but not enough to even finish 1 butterfly :(  Yeah, I'm that slow of a stitcher sometimes.  That's ok with me, I enjoy the pieces that I work on and that is what is most important!

Ok, I'm going to hit that website again!!  I'm telling you, you have to try it if you haven't already!!

Until Next time :o)  Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Stitching Updates

I got a start on my Taj project!!  I'll admit, I'm now excited about the piece and not so overwhelmed with it.  Now, as I'm making that for Hubby, I can only work on it when he is at work :(  On the positive side of that, I have been working along with the butterflies!  Here are some pics to share...

I will say, when I try something new, I dive in without checking the depth :)  This Taj piece is a bit more then I bargained for, but I'm determined to stick it out!

This will be going into the guest bedroom when it's completed :)

So, there they are!  I'm going to get off the computer now and go back to stitching...

Hugs...until next time!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Life is Good

We had our church picnic yesterday!  I simply love to gather with our fellow parishaners, I don't have any family in NH, so each and everyone of them are part of my extended family.  I have a confession, there was a woman who attended the picnic, that I was not the friendliest with.  I couldn't get past the bugs crawling on her :(  Sanish noticed this too and kept Mathai away from her also :(  I don't know if they were lice, bed bugs or what, but I just don't want our family to become infested.

Between the trip to Ikea and the picnic, that took up the weekend :)  I have a lot to do outside today as soon as Mathai is done with his morning educational work.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Summer So Far

Wow, Mathai's last 3 days of school were no fun :(  He missed 2 of the 3 and the 3rd day was simply his graduation.  He had strep throat :(  Poor little man.  It has been raining almost non stop for  a week now.  I'm watching the grass growing each passing second.  I don't know when/if it will ever be dry enough to mow!!  LOL

I'm almost finished with my butterfly alphabet cross stitch!!!  I only have 6 more butterflies to do :o)  I'll be really happy when that is finished and I can get a really good day of stitching into the mandala!

I will admit, the grey skies have made my mood for stitching a bit of a downer :(  I don't like to stitch when I'm not happy.  I don't know if that is a fact with everyone, but it is for me.  I do get the house extra clean on those days though!!

I have also been working on some homeschooling activities for Mathai to do this Summer.  I don't know how teachers can plan daily educational things like they do.  I'm struggling!  I did find a couple of great websites, so that is a major help.

We are off today to buy Mathai a desk.  The tall chairs that we have at home, really don't work well for him to sit and work on, he just likes to sit and swing his legs and wiggle wiggle...

Guess that is all for now.

God Bless...

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Butterfly Alphabet Kit by Dimensions

I have been working on this piece off and on for several months.  I'm much farther along then what this picture shows, but the battery in the camera is on the charger :(  I have completed the alphabet letters and only have 6 butterflies to finish to complete the project!  not sure why I have put it off, but I'm going to finish it this weekend (or at least try to)  that is my weekend goal!!

Until next time, happy stitching!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Bonnie Blue Pictures

These are taken from the Bonnie Blue in Lexington VA.

Idle Hands...

Ok, so we have been back from the Bonnie Blue for a couple of weeks.  Mathai did GREAT!  I can't believe how hard my 6 year old worked :)  He ended up in walk/trot (no leadline) and took second in both his classes!!!

As for me, I'm picking up my cross stitch again.  This time, I'm finishing the butterflies and starting the Taj Mahal Mandala Garden.  I have been sitting on the Taj for almost 2 years, a little intimidated by the whole "embellished" aspect of it.  I found a great forum, and the ladies have been such a huge help!

I'll post pics as I go!!

Also, I'll get some pics of The Bonnie Blue too :)

Until next time!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Still going

I'm having a very hard time with Hubby's socks :(  I think that I finally found out where I'm going wrong, so I can give it a go again.

I have a new video of Mathai, well a couple of here they are!

Mathai's riding instructor wanted some pictures and video of Mathai because he has been in their academy program since the beginning of last Summer.  I uploaded all of the pictures that we had taken and played with some videos to get the first one :)  Watching the videos of his first lesson to now, I'm amazed at how far he's come!

Enjoy :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Wow!  I'm beyond words :)  both my Hubby and Son want a pair of socks!  Hubby said " You make stuff and give it away, when are you going to make me something?"  And my Son "If you make Appa a pair of socks, then you have to make me a pair too!!"  He has already taken the hat that was supposed to be for me, lol and he requested I make him a new scarf earlier this month.  I asked him why he likes the things that I make, I was informed that I put so much love into them.  How can anything compare to that??

I started a pair of socks for hubby, but I have to frog them and start again, they were just too big around.  So I'm off with the requests of my family :) to knit some more.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


I finished my socks last night, and now I'm extremely inspired to make more!  And yes, they did fit :) I have tried and tried so many times to make socks, I had given up out of pure frustration.  Now I'm doing the snoopy dance, I simply can't believe it!  Now what to try???  Wish someone would suggest something for me.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Warm Saturday

Outside temp was 0 at the barn this morning, inside the barn it was 50 and humid :)  perfect for a riding lesson!  Mathai had a wonderful lesson today on one of his favorite lesson horses Susie.  We met a new student and her Mom today too :)  The young girl's name is Maggie, this makes 2 Maggie's in the barn!  Mathai didn't get too much time for talking with our new barn friend Maggie, but we'll be seeing more of her I'm sure.

We have spent the day inside being warm for the most part.  As I said, it is frigid outside! Hubby is watching a movie, and I'm knitting away.  I'm just about ready to start decreasing my socks at the toe!! I tried one on, and it fits!!!  I couldn't believe it!!  In a previous post, I stated that I wasn't too sure if they would.  I'm happy and proud to say that they will!

I'll happily post a picture of them when they are all done.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Not Sure

I am working my heel flap, and as I'm knitting away, I don't think the socks will fit :(  My lack of experience in knitting is showing, I don't know how to measure well enough to get a finished sock that will fit.  I'm thinking that this is going to be trial and error for now, but I will complete my first pair of socks!!

I'm completing this post a day later, and last night I did my first heel turn!!  I'm so excited :)  Again, I'm not sure if the socks will fit, but they are fun to knit.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Couldn't resist

OHHH  the horrors!!  I just can't seem to resist trying already.  I found a website titled Cyber Socks I have to try to knit 2 socks at once!  I found some really cute yarn in my stash that is sock yarn, so here I go!!

Have you ever had a "I can't believe I have that!" moment?  As I'm sitting at the computer trying to understand and apply the cyber sock writers method, I sat back in, I'll be honest, frustration and thought, "I just don't get it!"  As I'm shaking my head, I could feel the "tube light" moment approach.  You know those long iridescent lights that take a moment to come to life??  My Hubby has nicknamed me "tube light" because I tend to have a lot of those moments :(  oh well.  As the moment was once again on me, I realised that I have a book on knitting 2 socks on 2 circular needles that I bought a while ago!  OK...I'm on it!!  Have the book open and my two socks are cast on!  Further then I got previously, I'm a visual person and need LOTS of pictures some times, I don't want to imply anything negative to the writer of Cyber Socks!
At the point of setting everything for my first round, my Son asks for ice cream.  He's home sick, so I can't very well ignore his sweet request :)  Besides, it gave me a moment to update here!

Oh Boy

Well, it has been a very interesting weekend here in NH!  Snow storms and bronchitis :(  Mathai hasn't been feeling good since Friday, but was bound and determined to attend his riding instructors birthday on Saturday.  Since he hadn't been running a fever all day Sat, we decided that we would attend the function.  What a mistake, and I feel like a horrible Mom!  2 hours into the gathering, both Hubby and I looked at each other and said "Gotta go"  Mathai was just not right, lounging on the couch while his barn siblings were playing a few tables away.  Got home and it all snowballed down hill.  Took him to the Dr. yesterday and discovered that he has bronchitis.  He'll be out of school until tomorrow, and can't play outside until Monday.  Poor guy just loves to be outdoors in the snow.

On the lighter....I have found some wonderful new knitting blogs!  One woman has some great recipes that I can't wait to try along with her knitting, another is not to far away from me (Im in NH she is in MA)  How wonderful is that!!  I have a couple of projects to finish, and then I'm going to take on some harder projects.  I would love to be able to knit socks!!!  I'll keep ya'll posted on how it's all going. 

For now, I need to get back to my sick little man...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Too Long

Wow, it's been way to long since I have updated this!  So much has happened :)

Mathai won the Leadline Walk Only Equitation Champion during the Twin State Octoberfest last year in MA.  Here is a picture!

Since this win, he has been bumped up to leadline walk-trot!  He had his first tournament Dec 2010, we didn't expect him to do well as he only had 1 lesson before this show and he wasn't feeling well.  He walked away with an honorable mention in showmanship and 2nd place in equitation!  

I've put down the cross stitch and picked up the yarn!  I need to get back into cross stitch as I have a few things that I would love to finish!  Alas, with the winter months it's nice to have an afghan covering my lap while I work on it!  I have one that I'm working on for hubby that is going to be a surprise!  I just finished my first knit hat and it was even my own pattern!  Mathai asked if I would make him a new scarf, so I had to make one for him.  I asked if I could buy him one, and he asked if I didn't want to make him one!  How could I resist that??  

Guess that is all for now, I'll try to do better from now on!!